After a couple of years back luck, lyme disease, broken legs and other maladies I'm back in wading form. And unfortunately or fortunately depending on how you look at it I'm free to fish every day having had my job eliminated recently. Yesterday I took a drive along the tow path. The road is in horrible condition. Parking at the dollar hole has been blocked with access to the water there blocked by private property signs. But no sign saying no fishing. How convenient the property owner can rent his cottage as being on a well stocked pool but the fish stockers might still stock the pool. A very fine pool by the way. We pay they fish. What a good deal.
The water is real low. Almost June low. The long term weather for opening weekend is for showers and average temp in the 50s. There are a lots of caddis and stones in the air. There was a major multiple hatches on the Delaware the other day. BWOs, Quill Gordons, Big Caddis (cinnamon, black and green). The water there is even lower than the Lackawaxen. Opening day may be relatively easy wading and warm water. - more later -