I like to complain. It's like scratching an itch. I doesn't solve anything but it makes me feel better. But not this time.
I haven't had a lot of time to fly fish the Lackawaxen River this spring. Just a few short outings. I've been lucky and have caught fish every outing. I caught a beautiful Brook Trout and a beautiful Brown trout. I also caught 4 or 5 Rainbows. One was a nice fish. The others. Well, the others were from a horror movie.
One fish expired when I netted it. Its just started bleeding and died. On inspection it was nearly fin-less. No dorsal fin and only one pec fin. Okay he got picked on in school. It happens right? I've caught 3 other deformed rainbows without fins or with sores. Okay the sore were probably from having been caught before or rooting for nymphs. One had no pec fins and no dorsal fin. Un fortunately I don't have any photos. From now on I'm going to kill any weird fish I catch so I can have documented evidence.
This is absurd. The state has decided that fisherman and hunters are ghouls. Bureaucratic cynicism has produced a uncaring and cruel system that raises and distributes the damaged fish that I have caught. I would like to hear from anybody else that has caught similar low grade trout this year.